We’ve got this

Our options

You’re here because part of you is craving support, change, accountability, or understanding. Let’s figure out the best way forward. Below are some of the most used skills currently within my wheelhouse. 

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Individual Therapy

You're probably here for the people in your life you refuse to come to therapy, come on it!

Couples or Family Therapy

You're here because you need some clarity. You've lost sight that the problem is the problem, not each other.

Supervision or Consultation

You're here because you need some professional support. I've got you!

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Our Process

how we work

Starting therapy doesn’t have to be so scary. See how simple it is to get started. 

Let's Chat

You can use the secure patient portal to schedule a free 15 minute consult. Alternatively, you can call (667) 262-9125 or email [email protected]

Complete Intake

Prior to your intake, you will be sent paperwork to complete to be registered as a client. During your 90 minute intake appointment, we will gather background information and decide what style of therapy fits your needs. 

Start radiating

We will work together to accomplish the goals we’ve both agreed to during your intake appointment. 

Individual Therapy

1 hour session
$ 150
  • Personalized treatment plan
  • Consistent follow up emails with skills included
  • Secure client portal
  • Telehealth appointments available in MD & VA

Couples or Family Therapy

1 Hour Session
$ 160
  • Secure telehealth platform
  • Communication skills practice and training
  • Telehealth appointments available in MD & VA

Supervision & Consultation

50 Minute Sessions
$ 100
  • Board-approved supervision for supervisees in MD
  • Consultation specializing in grief, complex trauma, and DBT
  • Supervision contracts

Our Process

how we work

Everyone’s path looks different. What might your’s look like with Radiant Hope Counseling?


Lets chat

Most clients start off with a free 15 minute consultation to see if we are a good fit. During this call, we talk about payment options, your goals, and if my specialties align with helping you get there. 


Lock in a plan

If you decide we are a good fit, we schedule your intake appointment. This appointment is 90 minutes long ($175) to provide us space to build a solid foundation together. 


Make something wonderful

Most of my sessions consist of time to process, space to understand and validate what you’re experiencing, and learning a skill to manage your experience. If this sounds like what you’re craving, contact me today!