
Rhianon Brady, LCPC


Hey! My specialty lies in treating those who have experienced trauma. This includes abuse, neglect, sudden or traumatic loss, encounters with violence, sudden life changes, generational trauma, racial trauma, and events with a perceived loss of control often coupled with danger. I operate from a mindfulness trauma-informed theory. Most of my work in session incorporates psychoeducation so that you can  understand the impacts of trauma on your body in order to leave behind the image of you as “broken”.  I became a therapist because  it is a natural extension of who I am as a person. In our sessions you can expect understanding, curiosity, and well-timed humor. 


Working in the field since 2014

On the Horizon

EMDR certification


Grief, Trauma, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)


My corgi, Ivan Pavlov

Rhianon H. Brady, LCPC



Ivan Pavlov

Hipaa Compliant Partner in Crime

Ivan has been foraging for food and rolling around on available grass patches since 2017. Ivan loves to comfort others by allowing them to tell him how cute he is. You can expect to hear Ivan shaking off the day’s stressors during our telehealth appointments. 

Good Listener
Ball Fetcher
Food Lover


The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.


Where it all began


What had happened was..

Rhianon had been working with various mental health agencies for years to witness the same pattern occur. People in dire need of support with histories of disrupted attachment were being transferred endlessly due to provider burn out. This hurt the client most of all and built up a bigger guard toward the help they desperately needed.

So we tried something different..

Rhianon developed Radiant Hope Counseling in hopes of creating an environment capable of holding space for processing trauma in the least re-traumatic way possible. She pulls from a variety of methods (DBT, EMDR, Somatic therapy, etc.) to process trauma in a safe and effective way. 


You are your best investment

Schedule your free 15 minute consultation now!